Asian languages
हिन्दी/Hindi, தமிழ்/Tamil,
اردوِ/Urdu, དབུས་སྐད་/Tibetan, Khmer
Chin Hakka/Hakha, Chin Falam,
Zomi/Zou, ကညီကျိာ်/Karen,
Karenni, Ruainga/Rohingya,
မြန်မာစာ/Burmese, नेपाली/Nepali/Napali
Tiếng Việt/Vietnamese, Chinese (普通话/Mandarin)
Languages from the Middle East
Back to coronavirus videos
বাংলা Bengali/Bangla
SBS explains coronavirus (video 2 mins 10s)
Protecting yourself from coronavirus (video 3 mins 50s, Scientific Animations Without Borders)
Coronavirus explained, how to prevent it and what to do if you’re sick fact sheets and posters for adults, pre-school, primary school, high school children, pregnant mothers (COVID-19 Health Literacy Project, USA). In Australia call 000 in an emergency.
How to wash your hands (Youtube video, 3 mins)
How to wash your hands (poster, Toronto Public Health, Canada)
Slowing the spread of coronavirus (Victoria, poster)
Symptoms (NSW, poster)
हिन्दी Hindi
SBS explains coronavirus (video, 2 mins 30s)
How to stay safe from coronavirus and wash your hands (video 2 mins 10s, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre)
Coronavirus questions & answers (video 17 mins)
Coronavirus explained how to prevent it and what to do if you’re sick fact sheets and posters for adults, pre-school, primary school, high school children, pregnant mothers (COVID-19 Health Literacy Project, USA). In Australia call 000 in an emergency.
How to wash your hands (Youtube, 2 mins 40s)
How to wash your hands (pictures & instructions, Health information translations, USA)
Stage 3 restrictions in Victoria (Victoria DHHS, sound recording 45s)
தமிழ் Tamil
SBS explains coronavirus (video 2 mins 40s)
Coronavirus explained fact sheets and posters for adults, pre-school, primary school, high school children, pregnant mothers (COVID-19 Health Literacy Project, USA). In Australia call 000 in an emergency.
How to wash your hands (Youtube video 2 mins 50s)
Handwash and hand sanitising video (Science Insights, India, 7 mins)
Handwash poster (Toronto Public Health, Canada)
Slowing the spread of coronavirus (Victoria, poster)
Simple steps to reduce the risk (Red Cross, poster)
Symptoms (NSW, poster)
Stage 3 restrictions in Victoria (Victoria DHHS, sound recording 45s)
Australian Government information
اردوِ Urdu
SBS explains coronavirus (video 2mins)
Coronavirus explained and how to prevent it (video 3 mins 35s, HOST International)
Coronavirus explained, fact sheets and posters for adults, pre-school, primary school, high school children, pregnant mothers (COVID-19 Health Literacy Project, USA). In Australia call 000 in an emergency.
How to avoid contracting the coronavirus (video 1 min 50s, AMES Australia)
Handwash poster (Centers for Disease Control, USA)
Slowing the spread of coronavirus (Victoria, poster)
Australian Government information
དབུས་སྐད་ Tibetan
Coronavirus explained and what to do if you get sick (video, 19 mins, Cohealth)
Handwash poster (Toronto Public Health, Canada)
Simple steps to reduce the risk (Red Cross, poster)
Stop the spread (NSW, poster)
Symptoms (NSW, poster)
Australian Government information
Coronavirus explained and how to stay safe (video, 4 mins 30s, Scientific Animations Without Borders)
Hmoob / Hmong
Coronavirus explained and how to prevent it (video 3 mins 35s, HOST International)
Handwash video (video 1 min, Minnesota Department of Health, USA)
Chin Hakka / Hakha
How to avoid contracting the coronavirus (video 1 min 30s, AMES Australia)
How to wash your hands (video 4 mins, WHO)
What to do if you get sick with coronavirus (video 2 mins 50s, Cohealth)
What you need to know about coronavirus (easy read fact sheet, Enliven)
Slowing the spread of coronavirus (Victoria, poster)
Simple steps to reduce the risk (Red Cross, poster)
Chin Falam
What you need to know about coronavirus (easy read fact sheet, Enliven)
Financial support available in Australia if you lose your job (video 10 mins, 40s, Cohealth)
Zomi / Zou
What you need to know about coronavirus (easy read fact sheet, Enliven)
Slowing the spread of coronavirus (Victoria, poster)
ကညီကျိာ် Karen
What is the coronavirus and how can you stay safe? (video 6 mins 10s, The Refugee Response, USA)
Coronavirus explained and how to prevent spread (video, 5 mins 40s, Cohealth)
What you need to know about coronavirus (easy read fact sheet, Enliven)
How to wash your hands (video 1 min 10s, Minnesota Department of Health, USA)
How to avoid contracting the coronavirus (video 1 min 30s, AMES Australia)
Simple steps to reduce the risk (Red Cross, poster)
Symptoms of coronavirus (video 3 mins 50s, Bendigo Community Health Services)
Symptoms (NSW, poster)
Self-isolation and restrictions on activity (video 2 mins 40s, Bendigo Community Health Services)
Keep your distance from others (fact sheet, Bendigo Community Health Services)
New restrictions in Victoria from 22 June 2020 (fact sheet, Bendigo Community Health Services)
Australian Government information
How to avoid contracting the coronavirus (video 1 min 30s, AMES Australia)
What is the coronavirus and how can you stay safe? (video 5 mins 20s, The Refugee Response, USA)
Ruainga / Rohingya
SBS explains coronavirus (video 2 mins 50s)
Coronavirus explained (Rohingya Medics, video 8 mins 40s)
How to wash your hands (Rohingya Medics, video 1 min 44s)
5 steps to stop coronavirus (Rohingya Medics, video 1 min)
Other videos from Rohingya Medics Organisation about coronavirus (social distancing, who should wear a mask)
Australian Government information
မြန်မာစာ Burmese
SBS explains coronavirus (video 2 mins 20s)
Coronavirus: how to protect yourself and stop the spread (video 4 mins 20s, Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange, USA)
How to wash your hands (Australia Chin Media Network / WHO,
video 4 mins)
Stop the spread of germs (poster, Centers for Disease Control, USA)
Help us stop the spread - precautions (NSW, poster)
Symptoms (NSW, poster)
What to do if you become unwell (in Tasmania) (fact sheet, MRC Tasmania)
नेपाली Nepali/Napali
Coronavirus: how to protect yourself and stop the spread (video 5 mins, Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange, USA)
SBS explains coronavirus (video 2 mins 20s)
Handwash video (Youtube, 2 mins)
Handwash video (Hong Kong, 2 mins 10s)
Handwash poster (Star Hospital, Nepal)
How to avoid contracting the coronavirus (video 1 min 25s, AMES Australia)
Simple steps to reduce the risk (sound recording 2 mins) and poster (MRC Tasmania & Red Cross)
Symptoms (NSW, poster)
Australian Government information
Tiếng Việt/Vietnamese
Coronavirus explained and how to stay safe (video, 4 mins 41s, Scientific Animations Without Borders)
How to wash your hands (video 50s, Minnesota Department of Health, USA)
How to wash your hands (video 50s, San Francisco Department of Health, USA)
中文 Chinese (普通话 Mandarin)
Coronavirus explained and how to stay safe (video 3 mins 48s, Scientific Animations Without Borders)
How to wash your hands (video 50s, Minnesota Department of Health, USA)
COVIBOOK (picture book for under 7s, Mindheart, Manuela Molina)